俄罗斯矿冶专家Suss Aleksandr Gennadyevich教授等来课题组交流,孙伟教授,湖南有色金属研究院骆任博士,课题组耿志强博士、高建德博士等参与交流(2017.2.21)

Suss Aleksandr Gennadyevich教授作“俄罗斯铝工业的湿法冶金技术现状与发展”的学术报告(2017.2.22)
Prof. Alexander Gennadievich Suss got his PhD of Technical Science in Petersburg State University. He Participated in Mendeleyev’s Russian Chemical Society from 1985 as a Professional Associations,and International Committee on Study of Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium (ICSOBA) from 1989; he was appointed as Director of Alumina & Raw Materials Engineering - Technology Center of Russian National Aluminium-Magnesium Institute (RUSAL-VAMI). He has more than 24 years of national and international experience with scientific research in the bauxite and alumina areas. His professional association has ranged from plant site process engineer to research group coordinator and senior executive responsibilities.